


I founded Newman & Associates, LLC in 2001. We specialize  in modeling and quantifying the behavior of Internet users. We offer clients the opportunity to collect information on their Internet customers electronically in a cost-effective manner through the use of an innovative system called the Customer Profiling System1:

This innovative system allows you to create strategic databases that:

  • Profiles customers according to their needs
  • Connects your customers’ needs to strategic actions
  • Increases customer satisfaction and retention
  • Quantifies your existing advertising and marketing strategies



Here’s how it works:

  • The CPS system is flexible and computer-generated.
  • It is based on a statistical modeling procedure.
  • The system is questionnaire driven.
  • It meets the unique characteristics of your customers.
  • It identifies who your customers are.
  • Why they choose to do business with you.
  • What actions need to be taken to retain your
    current customers, and attract new ones.
  • CPS has been tested on over 20,000 people.

Copyright 1997 Newman & Associates, L.L.C. 1 This service mark is owned by Newman & Associates, LLC