Featured Events

Upcoming Events: 

Past Events:

I’ve had several opportunities to speak about my work around the globe. Here are some recent events I’ve participated in.
Standing in front of the Presidential Palace in Bogota, Columbia
Meeting with Communications Advisor and team to President Santos at Presidential Palace
Dinner Meeting with Leaders of several of the major political parties in Bogota, Columbia at Club El Nago
Fielding questions at la Universidad de Los Andes in Bogota, Colombia
Dr. Newman meeting with President Lech Walesa

Recent Speaking Engagements:

In my 30+ years of experience in the field, I regularly participate in speaking events around the world. Here are a few recent ones:
  • December 2019: I lead a session on “The Role of Branding in Politics: A Paradigm Shift that started with Trump” hosted by Emanuel de Bellis at The St.Gallen Seminar Series on Marketing. The initiative which aims at fostering scientific exchange and collaborations among researchers. It includes periodic talks from international scholars renowned in the area of marketing and consumer behavior, who present their most recent work.
  • May 2018: I was a Distinguished Visitor for the Corona Chair at La Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia where I delivered a Public Lecture and a Research Seminar on Political Marketing with professors and PhD students from within the School of Management.
  • April 2018: I was a keynote speaker at the International Conference on Gender Research in Porto, Portugal.
  • April 2018: I was invited to give a lecture to faculty and students at Trinity College Business School in Dublin, Ireland.  The title of the lecture was A “State of the Art” Assessment of the Role of Marketing in Politics: How Donald Trump has single-handedly turned the world of politics “upside down” in the United States. I addressed how this happened; pointed out the key marketing issues that tie into this paradigm shift; and make some predictions about the future success of Donald Trump and other politicians who will attempt to use a similar strategy as he has.
  • August 2017: I was a keynote speaker at the 6th Political Marketing Forum at Turbia University in Riga, Latvia where I presented on Trump’s Strategic Orientation: Maintaining a Consistent Brand Identity in Response to Marketplace Contingencies.
  • June 2017: I hosted a seminar in London on Friday, June 30 in partnership with the Eccles Centre for American Studies at the British Library where I discussed the implications of Trump’s political brand and the effects on the Republican Party since he entered the White House in November.
  • July 2016: I was invited to speak at St. Petersburg State University in Russia on the topic of Political Marketing in a Changing World. I also served on a series of panels throughout this event to further explain emerging political marketing tools, techniques, and theories shaping the political environment globally today.
  • March 2016: I was a keynote speaker at the Fortune Magazine CMO summit in New York City where I discussed Hilary and Trump’s marketing strategies in the 2016 election.
  • August 2015: I delivered a keynote speech, Political Marketing Forum 3rd Edition in Uppsula, Sweden. A testimonial of my speech is provided below:“On 13 August 2015, political marketer professor Bruce I. Newman presented the keynote address at the Fourth Annual Political Marketing Forum at Uppsala University, Sweden. During his keynote, Dr. Newman used his experiences and expertise to highlight the importance of the new strategic triad in political marketing: social media, big data, and micro-targeting. Through this framework, Dr. Newman provided a brief analysis of marketing techniques used during the 2008, 2012, and forthcoming 2016 American presidential campaigns, emphasizing the institutionalization of money as power as well as the increasingly important role of the strategic triad in political marketing.  Professor Newman is a very passionate and dynamic speaker who quickly caught the attention and imagination of his audience. The audience listening to the key note speech was very broad in terms of countries of origin and experience. They listened intently to the speech and it inspired a very lively debate on those old and new aspects of political marketing in the aftermath of the key note speech as well as setting the level and tone of the conference.”-Dr Greg Simons
  • May 2015: I spoke at Luiss University in Rome regarding concepts and tools in political marketing. The university provided the following review: “Exchanging Political Value: Theory, Practice and Reporting of Political Marketing” – was addressed by professor Bruce Newman in a complex manner in his keynote speech. The core concept to drive his presentation was that of “the american dream” and its other international versions and variations in different cultural and political contexts. The concept is key to understand both how people perceive and interact with their governments, and at the same time how leaders try to shape their societies. Using this angle, Bruce Newman introduced the audience with the novelties and breakthroughs in the delivery of the Obama model/dream in 2008 and 2012. It has been the perfect occasion to discuss with the participants in the Forum how micro-targeting, social-media and big-data played a decisive role in the last American elections, how a modern vision of political marketing and voters could shape and secure a historical win for president Obama. His presentation has also set the stage for a wider group of presentation on international politics, by referring to how the concept of “American dream”, “Russian dream” or “Chinese dream” can be used as benchmarks for elections and politics worldwide. Professor Newman’s notes on how the American and Russian political systems can be compared have inspired and sparkled comments around the room and opened new debates on today’s global politics. It was a pleasure to host professor Bruce Newman and to hear his very fresh, strong and lively speech.”

Recent Interviews:

  • July 2018: I discuss the Three C’s of Branding and my new book, Brand, on intrepid.MEDIA.  Listen here.
  • November 2016: I discuss on the impact of negative versus positive political advertising and how it affected the 2016 election on CLTV. Watch here.
  • June 2016: I gave an interview for CTV news to discuss Donald Trump’s nickname for Hillary Clinton (“Crooked Hillary”) and the implications of  framing opponents with insults as the presidential race heats up. Watch my interview here.
  • April 2016: I spoke at DePaul University for an Alumni Lecture on my latest book, The Marketing Revolution in Politics
  • April 2016: I was a guest on IntrepidNow, discussing what presidential campaigns can teach us about marketing. Listen here.
  • March 2016: I appeared on  the Business Insanity Talk Radio to discuss The Marketing Revolution in Politics. Listen here.
  • March 2016: I guest hosted an episode of The Price of Business to discuss The Marketing Revolution in Politics. Listen here.

Current Speaker Bureaus:

I enjoy presenting my research and offering my thoughts on political marketing. I am currently a member of the follow three speaker bureaus. If you are interested in booking me for an upcoming event, please visit the below links. Orate: For more information, click here. World Class Speakers and Entertainers: For more information, click here. MarketPlace eSpeakers: For more information, click here.